Belief Canadian Senator Larry Campbell, ex-Da Vinci Inquest scriptwriter, is concealing snuff-film network allegedly operated 1978-2003 by D.O.A. production company out of B.C. pig farm
Open e-mail sent December 06, 2007 to:
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@...
Captain Field McConnell and David Hawkins,
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies for reference:
Honourable Larry Campbell, Senate of Canada info@...
Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Co-founder Current TV info@...
Representative Duncan Hunter, 52nd District of California bre@... US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...
Michael Badnarik 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty' scholar@... Dear Prime Minster Harper:
Re: Da Vinci snuff films at the D.O.A. pig farm
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@...
Captain Field McConnell and David Hawkins,
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies for reference:
Honourable Larry Campbell, Senate of Canada info@...
Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Co-founder Current TV info@...
Representative Duncan Hunter, 52nd District of California bre@... US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...
Michael Badnarik 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty' scholar@... Dear Prime Minster Harper:
Re: Da Vinci snuff films at the D.O.A. pig farm
Hawks CAFE believes that the Canadian Senator Larry Campbell, a former steelworker and Da Vinci Inquest scriptwriter, is helping to conceal a snuff-film network, allegedly operated from 1978 to 2003 by D.O.A., a punk-rock production company, out of the Pickton pig farm in Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Our research indicates that Total-Power* private-equity groups hire CBC-Radio Canada and anarcho-punk production companies such as D.O.A. or Alternative Tentacles, to generate snuff-film content to be used in the extortion of political, industry and law-enforcement leaders. * Cross-shareholders in Total S.A. and The Power Corporation of Canada
The alleged Da Vinci snuff films are apparently broadcast on closed-circuit TV and used to extort targets into paying protection money, such as carbon credits or taxes for use in the prevention of climate change.
D.O.A. anarchists use Total-Power virtual-news networks to spin the myth that carbon credit stops climate change when their real plan is to launder kickback money through offshore accounts set up under UNEP by Total-Power fraudsters, Maurice Strong and Al Gore.
We are alleging in the lawsuit referenced below that Maurice Strong and Al Gore are principals in a 'climate-change' murder-for-hire network.
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49, "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians", Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota 655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102.
This open e-mail is to inform you that the former Da Vinci Inquest scriptwriter, Larry Campbell, will be named as a co-defendant in our Qui Tam application made to the U.S. Attorney in Fargo, North Dakota.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell avalonbeef@... Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow out specialist, safety officer; 15 years experience with radioactive materials, explosives, incendiaries
This open e-mail is to inform you that the former Da Vinci Inquest scriptwriter, Larry Campbell, will be named as a co-defendant in our Qui Tam application made to the U.S. Attorney in Fargo, North Dakota.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell avalonbeef@... Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow out specialist, safety officer; 15 years experience with radioactive materials, explosives, incendiaries
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