Ask Cirrus comment John McCain, Kristine Marcy use of SERCO-operated FAA contract towers; Williams-Gateway Airport, Mesa AZ guide JPATS Con Air drones; NATO-PfP war game on 9/11
Open e-mail sent June 11, 2008 to:
CIRRUS Research Associates Inc. Attention:Butters, Lowell lowell.butters@...
Bettez, Pierre pierre.bettez@...
6184 Voyageur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1C 2W3 Canada
CIRRUS Research Associates Inc. Attention:Butters, Lowell lowell.butters@...
Bettez, Pierre pierre.bettez@...
6184 Voyageur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1C 2W3 Canada
Field McConnell and David Hawkins,
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies: Patricia McGinnis, Council for Excellence in Government - Margaret Anderson, Government Futures Suite 450, 1301 K Street NW West Washington, DC 20005pmcginnis@... contactus@... U.S. Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, Department of Justice AskDOJ@... U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney vice_president@...
Dear Mr. Butters and Mr. Bettez:
Field McConnell and David Hawkins,
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies: Patricia McGinnis, Council for Excellence in Government - Margaret Anderson, Government Futures Suite 450, 1301 K Street NW West Washington, DC 20005pmcginnis@... contactus@... U.S. Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, Department of Justice AskDOJ@... U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney vice_president@...
Dear Mr. Butters and Mr. Bettez:
Did McCain, Marcy use Mesa to fly Con Air 9/11?
Hawks CAFE will ask Cirrus Associates to comment on the possibility that John McCain or Kristine Marcy used SERCO-operated FAA contract towers in particular the Williams-Gateway Airport in Mesa AZ to guide JPATS (Con Air) drones during a bogus NATO-PfP war game on 9/11.
"CIRRUS Research Associates Inc. sub-contracted by SERCO Facilities Management Incorporated and the Department of National Defence (DND) to promote .. opportunities to foreign militaries and private industry at 5 Wing Goose Bay .. leveraging .. network of international military contacts .. air weapons range management to identify, develop and support air and commercial business opportunities for 5 Wing and the Goose Bay commercial sector" … "Certified by Canadian and International Industry Security Directorate (CIISD), Controlled Goods Program (CGP), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) .. coaching network ofCoaching de gestion Inc., CIRRUS Research Associates has a customer base that includes the federal and provincial governments, the Department of National Defence (DND), aerospace companies, aviation training institutes and airport authorities … Aviation sciences (airworthiness, security, flight and airfield operations, weapons range management, distributed simulation and training (S&T), maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO), air traffic control (ATC) and safety of flight issues). CIRRUS Research Associates Inc.'s key strength rests not only in the breadth of technical expertise of its members but also in many unique experience areas such as corporate litigation, Board of Directors membership and direct support to NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) officer professional education .. and a surge capacity, if and when required to meet a contract's scope, complexity or deadline"
"Service Limitations at the Mesa, Arizona Airport To ensure that JPATS conducts its flights at airports that provide the necessary services and safety controls, the FOPM does not authorize any operations at airports that lack operating control towers and fire rescue systems. The FOPM states that deviation from this policy requires a waiver from the Chief of Flight Operations. We identified one significant deviation from this policy. The Williams Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, which serves as a JPATS hub does not have a control tower that operates on a 24-hour basis. Furthermore, the Airport relies on a local fire station three minutes away for aircraft rescue and fire fighting services. JPATS operated from this airport without a waiver for more than four years, from January 2001 to November 2005. JPATS began operating in Mesa, Arizona, in July 2000 as a pilot project to replace El Paso, Texas, as a hub for transporting aliens in the custody of the former INS. JPATS began this pilot project even though the Mesa, Arizona airport did not have a control tower that operated on a 24-hour basis. Consequently, JPATS Assistant Director issued a waiver in June 2000 for 120 days. The waiver stated that an extension could be granted if the inadequacies continued to exist at the end of the term. During our audit, JPATS was unable to provide evidence of an extension to the June 2000 waiver. In November 2005, while our audit was in progress, the Chief of Flight Operations issued a new waiver so that JPATS could continue to operate from the Mesa, Arizona airport indefinitely despite the limited hours of the control tower. However, the issuance of a waiver did nothing to address the inherent risk in operating night flights through an airport that lacks the services of a control tower. During our audit period, the control tower at the Williams Gateway Airport operated between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily. After 9:00 p.m., pilots must communicate directly with each other or rely on the control tower at the nearby airport in Phoenix to navigate local air space. The limited hours of the control tower at Mesa, Arizona poses a potential safety risk because the Mesa, Arizona hub schedules evening flights from Monday through Friday. These flights return to Mesa, Arizona around midnight. Although no safety incidents had occurred in Mesa, Arizona as a result of this shortcoming, the risk of navigating the airspace without an operational control tower at night when visibility is considerably lower than during the day increases the potential that other aircraft in the area will not see the JPATS flight on its approach into Mesa, Arizona. According to JPATS management, it has requested that ICE change the evening flights with daytime flights, in part, to address the safety issues at the Mesa airport. However, ICE has not been willing to change its evening flights to daytime flights, because the evening flights enabled the agency to synchronize with the schedule of immigration courts and deport aliens immediately after the adjudication process is complete. Nevertheless, we believe that this safety concern needs to be addressed by JPATS management."
Field McConnell – Kristine Marcy's brother – will contact you shortly to discuss what if any role Cirrus Associates had during the 9/11 war games and the feasibility of a 'McCain-Marcy red team' using Con Air drones to convert simulated hijackings, rehearsed with the illegal (?) evening flights into Mesa, into real attacks.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971, Forensic Economist fbi@... or avalonbeef@... Astana, Kazakhstan 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety, Tel: +7 (777) 952 9767
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891 Leader, Reform Party of British Columbia, Former oil industry operating engineer; Blow-out specialist, safety officer, trouble shooting, 15 years experience explosives, incendiaries, radioactive materials
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 'Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians'
Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota
655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 5810
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971, Forensic Economist fbi@... or avalonbeef@... Astana, Kazakhstan 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety, Tel: +7 (777) 952 9767
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891 Leader, Reform Party of British Columbia, Former oil industry operating engineer; Blow-out specialist, safety officer, trouble shooting, 15 years experience explosives, incendiaries, radioactive materials
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 'Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians'
Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota
655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 5810
Reference urls:
Caron, Marc | |
Erlandson, Douglas | |
Glenesk, Larry | |
Hunt, Keith | |
Hunter, Alan D | |
Lacasse, Pierre | |
Ouellet, Marc | |
Rochefort, Pierre |
Quite the amount of facts you have here!
I am very glad to see such information; resources like the one you mentioned here will be very useful to us. This is very nice one and gives in-depth information.
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