Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Did Hanoi Jane hire John McCain for Songbird 72?

Belief Maurice Strong, Bronfmans sent Weatherwomen crew to Hanoi for snuff film 'Songbird `72' - POWs bound, tortured  John McCain, Jane Fonda and prostitutes engaged in violent group sex.

Open e-mail sent March 27, 2008 for attention:
US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, 
Kristine Marcy, Homeland Security, McConnell International LLC contactus@...
Field McConnell and David Hawkins,
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies for reference: Katheryn R. Stell, Director of Diversity (LGBT) kstell@... Yves Fortier, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault,yfortier@... Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@...  Dr. Jack Stockwell jack@...

Dear Vice-President Cheney and Ms. Marcy:
Re: Did Hanoi Jane hire John McCain for "Songbird `72"?
Hawks CAFE believes Maurice Strong and the Bronfman crime family hired a Weatherwomen production crew to record a snuff film in Hanoi – call it"Songbird `72"– and used it to extort concessions from America's political and military leaders.
Our Abel Danger intelligence team has evidence to suggest that "Songbird `72" includes footage of American POWs being bound, tortured and killed while John (`Songbird') McCain and Jane Fonda – an alleged Weatherwoman a.k.a. 'Hanoi Jane' – and local prostitutes, engaged in violent group sex for the camera.
"Miss Fonda describes how Vadim - who directed her in the 1968 scifi sexual spoof Barbarella - once ordered a red-haired prostitute from the Madame Claud escort agency in France. In a scene which could have come from one of his sexually charged movies, she tells how the woman joined the couple for a threesome. Miss Fonda married Vadim, the father of her daughter Vanessa, in 1967. She describes her ex-husband, who died in 2000, as 'cruel and misogynistic' and claims he forced her into other forms of group sex.Rumours about the couple's sexual behaviour have been the subject of Hollywood speculation for years. Miss Fonda blames her relationship-with Vadim for the eating disorders that plagued her for much of her life. "I ceased eating except for crusts from his bread and rinds from his camembert [!]" she says."  … "Jane Fonda is back as Hanoi Jane .. during the Vietnam War .. photographed perched on the seat of an anti-aircraft gun pretending to be shooting down American pilots attacking CommunistNorth Vietnam .. Ten years ago, Fonda Films bought the screen rights to a book about Vietnam titled, "A Bright Shining Lie." .. HBO got involved ..  made-for-TV movie ..  owned by Time Warner, whose vice chairman, Ted Turner, is Jane Fonda's husband .. throwback to the 1960's and `70's, when the United States and our military forces were regarded as the enemy by people like Jane Fonda. In those days, photos of Vietnamese monks burning themselves to death and of a little girl running naked down a road after having been burned by napalm had a powerful impact on American public opinion .. monks who burned themselves to death were actually victims of a cruel propaganda campaign designed by a highly politicized Buddhist group that was trying to overthrow the anti-Communist government of South Vietnam. The monks were given pills that were supposed to make the immolation painless. The events were coordinated with foreign journalists and photographers in Vietnam to insure that they were photographed and the horrifying pictures were seen throughout the world. The HBO-Jane Fonda movie, lies about all this. It presents the immolations as totally spontaneous events which American reporters happen upon by chance .. These are only two of the many lies we found in this HBO film. They are not bright and shining. They are old and rotten. Jane Fonda, Time Warner and HBO deserve your censure for spreading them again."
"McLamb Officer of the Year .. stated every one of many former POWs he has talked with consider McCain a traitor .. "He was never tortured ..  Vietnamese Communists called him the Songbird, that's his code name, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and telling them everything they wanted to know."  McLamb quotes former POWs as saying McCain starred in 32 propaganda videos in which he denounced his country and comrades ..  ranking GRU officer at the Hanoi Hilton had multilingual teenage son .. translating  interrogation reports into Russian .. interpreted all interrogations and notes pertaining to McCain during latter's stay from December, 1969, to March, 1973 when well-fed looking McCain ..  released privileges extended ..  included time at furnished apartment in Hanoi – furnished with 2 prostitutes .. In 1976 .. Don Bolles .. murdered by a car-bomb after ..  exposing organized crime connections of well-known figures in Arizona, including one Jim Hensley. Five years later "Honest John" McCain arrived in Arizona as the new husband of Hensley's daughter, Cindy .. ".. key sponsors of his political career." .. behind the Hensley fortune  .. bootlegging and rackets empire of Bronfman dynasty of Canada, founded by Sam Bronfman, an early partner of Meyer Lansky, longtime "chairman of the board" of the international crime syndicate. (The Bronfmans cover all bases. Sam's son, Edgar, today—at least publicly—supports George W. Bush.) McCain's father-in-law ..  top henchman of Kemper Marley who, for some forty years until his death in 1990 at age 84, was the undisputed behind-the-scenes political boss of Arizona .. in 1948, some 52 of Marley's employees (including Jim Hensley) went to jail on federal liquor violations—but not Marley ..  Upon Hensley's release from prison, Marley paid Hensley back by setting him up in the beer business .. without Marley's political support McCain could have never even gotten elected dogcatcher .. McCain's father-in-law .. selling his dog racing track to  individual connected to Buffalo-based Jacobs family .. leading distributors for Bronfman liquor into the United States during Prohibition into hands of local gangs  part of Lansky syndicate .. "probably  biggest quasi-legitimate cover for organized crime's money-laundering in the United States."
Study the content of the urls below, especially the lawsuit "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians" and check out Maurice Strong and the Bronfmans' role in their alleged hiring of Jane Fonda and Weatherwomen snuff-film crews to extort John McCain and `squeeze-out' fellow candidates during the 2008 presidential election campaign.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, Forensic Economist fbi@... Astana, Kazakhstan -
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety 
+7 (777) 684 6859

David Hawkins 
hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Leader, Reform Party of British Columbia
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow-out specialist and safety officer
15 years experience explosives, incendiaries, radioactive materials
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49  "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians"
Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota
655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102

Did Hanoi Jane hire John McCain for "Songbird `72"?
19: 11 Hotel Especen; Hanoi- Vietnam

The following public domain information is a transcript from the US Congress House Committee on Internal Security, Travel to Hostile Areas, HR 16742, 19- 25 September, 1972, page 7671.
Radio Hanoi attributes talk on DRV visit to Jane Fonda; from Hanoi in English to American servicemen involved in the Indochina War, 1 PM GMT, 22 August 1972. Text: Here's Jane Fonda telling her impressions at the end of her visit to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam; (follows recorded female voice with American accent)

This is Jane Fonda. During my two week visit in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, I've had the opportunity to visit a great many places and speak to a large number of people from all walks of life- workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers. 

I visited the (Dam Xuac) agricultural coop, where the silk worms are also raised and thread is made. I visited a textile factory, a kindergarten in Hanoi. The beautiful Temple of Literature was where I saw traditional dances and heard songs of resistance. I also saw unforgettable ballet about the guerrillas training bees in the south to attack enemy soldiers. The bees were danced by women, and they did their job well. 
In the shadow of the Temple of Literature I saw Vietnamese actors and actresses perform the second act of Arthur Miller's play All My Sons, and this was very moving to me- the fact that artists here are translating and performing American plays while US imperialists are bombing their country. 
I cherish the memory of the blushing militia girls on the roof of their factory, encouraging one of their sisters as she sang a song praising the blue sky of Vietnam- these women, who are so gentle and poetic, whose voices are so beautiful, but who, when American planes are bombing their city, become such good fighters.
I cherish the way a farmer evacuated from Hanoi, without hesitation, offered me, an American, their best individual bomb shelter while US bombs fell near by. The daughter and I, in fact, shared the shelter wrapped in each others arms, cheek against cheek. It was on the road back from Nam Dinh, where I had witnessed the systematic destruction of civilian targets- schools, hospitals, pagodas, the factories, houses, and the dike system.

As I left the United States two weeks ago, Nixon was again telling the American people that he was winding down the war, but in the rubble- strewn streets of Nam Dinh, his words echoed with sinister (words indistinct) of a true killer. And like the young Vietnamese woman I held in my arms clinging to me tightly- and I pressed my cheek against hers- I thought, this is a war against Vietnam perhaps, but the tragedy is America's. 
One thing that I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt since I've been in this country is that Nixon will never be able to break the spirit of these people; he'll never be able to turn Vietnam, north and south, into a neo- colony of the United States by bombing, by invading, by attacking in any way. One has only to go into the countryside and listen to the peasants describe the lives they led before the revolution to understand why every bomb that is dropped only strengthens their determination to resist. I've spoken to many peasants who talked about the days when their parents had to sell themselves to landlords as virtually slaves, when there were very few schools and much illiteracy, inadequate medical care, when they were not masters of their own lives.
But now, despite the bombs, despite the crimes being created- being committed against them by Richard Nixon, these people own their own land, build their own schools- the children learning, literacy- illiteracy is being wiped out, there is no more prostitution as there was during the time when this was a French colony. In other words, the people have taken power into their own hands, and they are controlling their own lives.
And after 4,000 years of struggling against nature and foreign invaders- and the last 25 years, prior to the revolution, of struggling against French colonialism- I don't think that the people of Vietnam are about to compromise in any way, shape or form about the freedom and independence of their country, and I think Richard Nixon would do well to read Vietnamese history, particularly their poetry, and particularly the poetry written by Ho Chi Minh. 

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