Dear Prime Minister Harper and Vice-President Cheney:
Hawks CAFE asks if Canadian privy councilor Paul Desmarais Sr. and his BancWest co-investors, owned construction and demolition surety bonds on the World Trade Center building #7 which was allegedly destroyed by HUBZone firms during an AMEC sabotage vulnerability test on 9/11.
"We allege that the Citigroup-AMEC partners sabotaged the diesel generators to feed fires lit by arsonists on the 11th, 12th or 13th floors of WTC7 where the Securities & Exchange Commission lost between 3,000 to 4,000 files. The SEC files contained evidence of insider trading by Citigroup-AMEC investment bank partners in the shares of initial public offerings during the high-tech boom. The House Financial Services Committee was seeking information about the treatment Citigroup's Salmon Smith Barney investing banking division may have given WorldCom executives. Salomon had offices in 7 World Trade Center and Citigroup says back-up tapes of corporate emails from September 1998 through December 2000 were stored at the building and destroyed in 9/11. Citigroup subsequently paid $2.65 billion to the settlement class which purchased WorldCom securities during the period from April 1999 through June 2002." .. "AMEC's Small Business Program is to continually seek and expand relationships with: Small Business Concerns (SB) 8(a)/Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns (SDB) Women-owned Small Business Concerns(WOSB) Veteran-owned Small Business Concerns (VOSB) Service-Disabled Veteran-owned Small Business Concerns (SDVOSB) HUBZone Small Business Concerns (HUB)" .. "Emergency Response/Clean Up … At the World Trade Center, AMEC's around-the-clock activities began hours after the attacks and included strategic and logistical planning, debris-removal management, health and safety planning, environmental monitoring and testing, data management and daily interaction with federal, state and local emergency and regulatory agencies. AMEC successfully managed one of the world's most challenging, time-sensitive and critical projects under an emergency situation. Within 24 hours, AMEC mobilized 300 workers, 20 pieces of heavy equipment and a fleet of trucks. Coordinated effectively with 35 federal, state and local agencies, the removal of 1.6 million tons of [evidence] debris was completed at least three months ahead of schedule and under cost estimates. … AMEC has extensive experience in the design, construction and management of criminal justice facilities. AMEC experience includes the construction of projects ranging from high-rise inner city jails and Criminal Justice centers to rural, campus-style institutions. AMEC projects were completed with the latest technological advances in high-tech security systems. AMEC has performed as construction manager and as design-build firm. … AMEC performed a sabotage analysis of the Bryan Mound SPR. Study team analyzed the complete spectrum of facilities, potential sabotage consequences and spectrum of potential saboteur types. Study resulted in ranking of facility categories in terms of potential sabotage hazards."
Our Abel Danger counter-intelligence team has determined the Privy Council provided Mr. Desmarais with an encrypted Blowfish communications network used by Canadian and U.S. government insiders to coordinate and `arbitrage' AMEC's alleged demolition of WTC#7.
We suspect that Mr. Desmarais and his BancWest partners in New York laundered UN Oil-for-Food money through the fraudulent arbitrage of various events, including the apparent controlled demolition of WTC# 7 and the contract killing of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11.
Please investigate and call us if your oxymoronic intelligence services don't know where to begin.
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