Saturday, December 25, 2010

Crown Agents: Agents of War and Greed


(from leaflet prepared for Mayday 2003)

THERE is more than one kind of looter operating in Iraq at the moment.

We've all heard about desperate, impoverished masses grabbing whatever they can for themselves and their families under cover of the chaos and destruction caused by the illegal US/UK invasion. But you won't have heard so much about a very well established and well connected British organisation which is basically helping big greedy multinational companies to cash in on the riches of a country that has now been forcibly 'opened up' to western business interests. The firm is called Crown Agents and its London office is at 150 Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria. It also has a big office in Sutton and an International Management Training Centre in Worthing.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

ADT, Verint and Honeywell: Members of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals


Three of the companies allegedly involved in security aspects of the 9/11 attacks and London 7/7 bombings are as it turns out, part of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals in the City of London livery companies. The pieces are coming together.

The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
6 Kings Mews
High Road
United Kingdom (UK)