Open e-mail sent November 26, 2007 to:Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Co-founder Current TV info@...
Captain Field McConnell and David Hawkins, Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies for reference:
Representative Duncan Hunter, 52nd District of California bre@...
Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C. Chairman@...
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@... US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...
Michael Badnarik 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty' scholar@... Dear Nobel Laureate Gore:
Re: Mineta's TomoyeDOTcom in murder of Captain DeContoHawks CAFE believes you gave Norman Mineta a 'TomoyeDOTcom' weapon to coordinate decoy and drone maneuvers, kill Pentagon duty officer Captain Gerald DeConto, spoliate evidence of murder and spin news of an al-Qaeda contract hit during TOPOFF war games on 9/11.
Our research suggests that just before the Clinton pardonee John Deutch shut it down, Able Danger military intelligence teams identified Tomoye murder-for-hire networks used by U.S. Department of Transport (DOT) officials to move 'al-Qaeda' assets in foreign and interstate commerce.
"February 1, 1967, the DOT seal--with a triskelion representing air, land, and sea–was adopted .. March 28, 1969 .. DOT formed the Transportation Department Library .. consolidating headquarters libraries of Bureau of Public Roads, United States Coast Guard, and Federal Aviation Administration .. August 3-5, 1981, approximately 12,000 controllers belonging to PATCO walked off their jobs. Reagan gave the strikers forty-eight hours to go back to work, after which he fired them. About 1,000 PATCO members obeyed the President's order. The others lost their jobs without redress .. January 25, 2001, former Member of Congress Norman Yoshio Mineta (D-CA) took the oath of office as the nation's fourteenth Secretary of Transportation. The lone Democrat in George W, Bush's cabinet, Mineta, age sixty-nine, had been Secretary of Commerce in the outgoing Clinton Administration, and was the first Asian Pacific American to hold this Cabinet-rank post. September 11, 2001, nineteen radical Islamic extremists with the group al Qaeda penetrated security at three major airports [AMEC saboteur tested], seized four American domestic airliners, and turned them into missiles that would destroy the World Trade Center in New York City [AMEC saboteur tested] and hobble the Pentagon [AMEC saboteur tested] in Arlington, Virginia, slaughtering thousands. FAA air traffic controllers [Norman Mineta with mobbed-up Laborers' union Local 2097?] did a heroic job in bringing the rest of the fleet down safely."
We infer from Able Danger ELINT and HUMINT that you equipped former DoT/Commerce Secretary Norman Mineta with Tomoye virtual war rooms used by al-Qaeda and/or AMEC saboteurs to kill DeConto.
Our "Pattern of the Crime" video and the eBook at the urls below, refer.
We invite you to defend your reputation against claims in the "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians" lawsuit at the url below with its implied
allegations that you, Norman Mineta, John Deutch and the Canadian privy councilor, Maurice Strong, used interstate or foreign commerce in the contract killing of Captain Gerald DeConto by 'al-Qaeda' hit teams.
Under equity, we infer from a failure to defend your reputation that you accept its loss.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell avalonbeef@... Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow out specialist, safety officer; 15 years experience with radioactive materials, explosives, incendiaries
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49, "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians", Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota 655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell avalonbeef@... Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow out specialist, safety officer; 15 years experience with radioactive materials, explosives, incendiaries
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49, "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians", Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota 655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102.
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