Monday, March 8, 2010

McConnell re pulse detonation rocket fuel on Indonesia Boeing

Synopsis: McConnell queries possible use of pulse detonation of thermite or rocket fuel to vaporize Boeing 737 (Adam Air Flight KI-574) in Indonesia

[Open e-mail sent Saturday January 6, 2006 from Field McConnell to David Hawkins at Hawks CAFE]


In preparing for todays live interview* regarding the illegally modified Boeings I was thinking about Egypt Air, TWA, Korean, 9-11 hull losses, and I kept thinking the reports for Indonesian were either incomplete or presented by parties that are not fluent in airliner operations.

[*Hawks CAFE invites you to listen live (2pm PST, 4pm CST, 5pm EST today, Saturday) to Doug Millar's slot on "America's loving intervention for our nations children" Republic Radio. Doug will interview Field McConnell and David Hawkins of Hawks CAFE on their solution to "Murder on United 93" and their analysis of plans for past and future attacks on America. ]

I have flown aircraft with ELTs since 1971. I have never been taught that an ELT would be triggered by a sudden descent. I believe that was a false claim.

Second there is some confusion over how many transmissions were received by other stations. I have read suggestions ranging from 2 to 6. The truth is an ELT [Emergency Locator Transmitters] will operate for a great length of time once it is set off. So how could it be that it was silenced so quickly?

I believe the answer is it is at the bottom of the ocean. The last known position was near some storms over the water. It they were very low trying to get under a severe storm microbursts or severe
precipation could force the plane into the water or flame out both engines. But what worries me is could this have been an aircraft on which thermite might have been installed?


Indonesian plane's disappearance baffles aviation officials 05/01/2007 - 8:46:03 AM

An hour after Adam Air Flight KI-574 took off on New Year's Day with 102 passengers and crew for what should have been a short hop between Indonesian islands, the pilot reported heavy winds – then the plane disappeared.

Thousands of soldiers battled rugged jungle terrain, a fleet of aircraft took to the skies, and ships scoured the sea for a fourth day yesterday to search an area roughly the size of Ireland.

So far they have found no trace of the Boeing 737.

"Whatever happened to the plane, it was likely rapid and catastrophic," said Patrick Smith, a US-based airline pilot and aviation commentator, pointing to a possible massive structural failure or onboard explosion [Iridium pulse detonation?].

He said it was not unheard of that the plane did not issue a mayday.

"In many accidents there are no distress calls simply because the cockpit crew is too busy dealing with the situation rather than calling around for help," Smith said.

The plane left Indonesia's main island of Java on Monday for Manado on Sulawesi Island, but lost contact with authorities halfway through the two-hour flight after twice altering its course over water and land because of severe weather, said Eddy Suyanto, head of the search and rescue mission.

Authorities wrongly said on Tuesday that the wreckage had been found with a dozen survivors, causing further anguish to relatives camped out at airports and hotels in Manado, which was supposed to be Flight KI-574's final destination, and Makassar, initially believed to be closer to the crash site.

Many wondered how a Boeing 737 could vanish [vaporize?].

"It's impossible," said Junus Tombokan, 53, who was awaiting news about his nephew. "How could a plane disappear for several days without any clues whatsoever?"

Iksan Tatang, Indonesia's director general of air transportation, said at least two signals from Flight KI-574's emergency beacon – activated on impact or when a plane experiences a sharp, sudden descent – were picked up by another aircraft in the vicinity and by a satellite [Iridium?].

Suyanto later put the number of emergency signals at six – saying the last one came over waters just south of Manado.

Adam Air is one of at least a dozen budget carriers that sprang up in Indonesia after 1998, when the industry was deregulated.

The rapid expansion has led to cheap flights to scores of destinations across Indonesia, but has also raised concerns because of reports of poor maintenance of the leased planes.

Professional pilots discussing the plane's disappearance in online chat rooms have alleged that cronyism and political favouritism in Indonesia's aviation industry has undermined public safety.

Air navigation can be difficult in Indonesia, which has been called the world's largest archipelago, because there are gaps in the communications systems.

Last year, an Adam Air Boeing 737 flew off course on a stretch of the same route and was lost for several hours before it made an emergency landing at the small Tambalaka airstrip, hundreds of miles from where the plane was supposed to be.

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