Reform BC investigates predatory loan syndicates in the CAI-Carlyle Canada private equity group and appearance of 'virtual news' climate fraud by MDA/RADARSAT and CanWest Global Communications.
Open e-mail sent November 15, 2007 to:
The Honourable Gordon Campbell premier@...
Premier of British Columbia, Box 9041, Station PROV GOVT
Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 9E1 Phone: (250) 387-1715
Canadian Prime Minster, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper pm@...
From: Reform Party of British Columbia
Premier of British Columbia, Box 9041, Station PROV GOVT
Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 9E1 Phone: (250) 387-1715
Canadian Prime Minster, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper pm@...
From: Reform Party of British Columbia
Dear Premier Campbell and Prime Minister Harper:
Reform BC is investigating predatory loan syndicates in the CAI-Carlyle Canada private equity group and the appearance of 'virtual news' climate frauds by MDA/RADARSAT and CanWest Global Communications.
Reform BC is investigating predatory loan syndicates in the CAI-Carlyle Canada private equity group and the appearance of 'virtual news' climate frauds by MDA/RADARSAT and CanWest Global Communications.
We note that Maurice Strong and Al Gore set up Chicago's carbon cap-and-trade market by elevating a seventh-order cause (anthropogenic CO2) to a first order effect (global climate change) through the fraudulent manipulation of virtual news and satellite data of extreme weather events.
Our research indicates your governments are either witting perpetrators of CO2 emission extortion on British Columbia's citizens and their businesses or have rendered us unwitting victims of virtual-news climate frauds.
Reform BC believes that virtual newsfeeds linking anthropogenic CO2 to catastrophic events such as forest fires or hurricanes, violate the U.S. False Claims Act and Our Party is now seeking a remedy via a Qui tam lawsuit against CAI-Carlyle Canada insiders by the United States.
Yours sincerely
David Hawkins, Leader 604-542-0891
cc: Ron Gamble, President 604-980-7779
cc: Ron Gamble, President 604-980-7779
cc: Darcy Rezac, Managing Director Board of Trade 604-641-1255cc: Heather Holden, Director of Environment Fraser Institute 604-688-0221cc: Media
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