Why did Willie Card, manager of FAA Contract Tower Office, die on June 10, 2002? Any (Google Arkancide) links to Clinton White House, international drug & arms trafficking and the contract hits of 9/11?
Open e-mail sent October 31, 2007 to:
Spencer Dickerson, Senior Executive Vice President, AAAE, and Executive Director, USCTA 601 Madison Street, Suite 400 Alexandria,VA 22314 Phone (703) 824-0500, Ext. 130 Fax (703) 820-1395 sdickerson@... www.contracttower.org
Open e-mail sent October 31, 2007 to:
Spencer Dickerson, Senior Executive Vice President, AAAE, and Executive Director, USCTA 601 Madison Street, Suite 400 Alexandria,VA 22314 Phone (703) 824-0500, Ext. 130 Fax (703) 820-1395 sdickerson@... www.contracttower.org
Captain Field McConnell and David Hawkins, Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE http://www.hawkscafe.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/
Copies for reference:
Representative Duncan Hunter, 52nd District of California bre@... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Hunter
Bruce McConnell, McConnell International contactus@...
Al Gore, Co-Founder, Generation Investment info@...
US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@... Michael Badnarik 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty', We The People Radio Network www.wtprn.com scholar@...
Dear Mr. Dickerson:
Bruce McConnell, McConnell International contactus@...
Al Gore, Co-Founder, Generation Investment info@...
US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper pm@... Michael Badnarik 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty', We The People Radio Network www.wtprn.com scholar@...
Dear Mr. Dickerson:
Re: Willie Card's Unexpected Death and Arkancide 9/11
Hawks CAFE is seeking an explanation for the unexpected death of Willie Card, manager of the FAA's Contract Tower Office, on June 10, 2002.
Our research suggests Mr. Card may have been murdered to protect an alleged racketeering influenced and corrupt organization ('RICO') of 'net-centric' contract towers set up in 1994 by the Clinton-Gore White House in support of international drug and arms trafficking and the nearly 3,000 contract hits executed on 9/11. (Google 'Arkancide').
We have evidence to indicate that about 50 of Mr. Card's Contract Towers were operated on 9/11 by Serco Management Services under the command of Bill and/or Hillary Clinton's associates with the CAI Carlyle Canada private equity group, Montreal's Rizutto-Bonanno crime family and/or the mobbed-up Laborers' union ('LIUNA').
Willie Card, manager of FAA's Contract Tower Office, died unexpectedly on June 10 [2002] .. would have been a speaker at the USCTA Contract TowerProgram Workshop July 14-16 .. Under Willie's leadership and guidance .. budget approaching $80 million and includes 217 towers .. memorial service .. held in FAA's headquarters auditorium on June 25 .. Tributes given by .. government and industry officials, including Steve Brown, acting FAA associate administrator for air traffic; Steve Christmas, vice president-aviation, Serco Management Services .. Spencer Dickerson, executive vice president of AAAE and executive director of the U.S. Contract Tower Association."http://www.contracttower.org/ctanews/May-June2002.pdf
We notice from the above excerpt that you attended a memorial service for Mr. Card at the FAA's headquarters auditorium on June 25, 2002.
Please tell us if you or fellow eulogists at the 2002 memorial service discovered the cause of Willie Card's death or evidence of any links between 'Arkancide 9/11' and his witting or unwitting role in the former U.S. President Bill Clinton's allegedly unlawful, probably-corrupt privatization of the FAA Contract Tower Program.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell avalonbeef@... Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safetyhttp://www.captainsherlock.com/
David Hawkins hawks-cafe@... Tel: 604 542-0891
Former oil industry operating engineer, blow out specialist, safety officer - 15 years experience handling radioactive materials, explosives, incendiaries
Copies to file:
Civil Case 3:07-cv-24 "McConnell v. Boeing and ALPA"
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians"http://www.hawkscafe.com/107.html
Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota
655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102
Notes: "Willie Card's Unexpected Death and Arkancide 9/11"
"SEATTLE -- During this year's annual meeting of the American Association of Airport Executives, held here in May, senior executive VP Spencer Dickerson and incoming chair Lowell Pratte, A.A.E., executive director/COO of the Louisville Regional Airport Authority, sat with AIRPORT BUSINESS to discuss key issues facing airports and the aviation industry. Issues on the association's front burner include security and its funding; expanding tax-exempt status for airport-related bonds; and, the beginning of the discussion of system funding via Congressional reauthorization, due in 2007. Following is an edited transcript of that discussion.
AIRPORT BUSINESS: A topic of discussion is that the Transportation Security Administration may soon be eliminated, or restructured from its present form. Any thoughts?
Dickerson: It's in current law that the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] can get rid of TSA.
AB: Would we want to speculate that in time we'll adopt a system similar to Canada's, with private screening companies?
Dickerson: Back on the general EDS [explosives detection systems] issue, we've been saying for some time now that there are significant savings to TSA personnel costs by going in-line. You need fewer screeners; you have less workman's comp; you have more efficiency in terms of getting bags processed and passengers
AB: One suggestion being thrown out is a departure tax at individual airports as a way of funding local infrastructure needs. Is that a viable option?
Dickerson: I think FAA has to put everything on the table, and obviously have the dialog with the industry. Congress is ultimately the one that makes the decision. This is an industry that has over half of [the airlines] in bankruptcy. Their yields are horrible. You can't expect to solve the government's problem of the user fee concept on the backs of the airlines, certainly.
AIRPORT BUSINESS: A topic of discussion is that the Transportation Security Administration may soon be eliminated, or restructured from its present form. Any thoughts?
Dickerson: It's in current law that the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] can get rid of TSA.
AB: Would we want to speculate that in time we'll adopt a system similar to Canada's, with private screening companies?
Dickerson: Back on the general EDS [explosives detection systems] issue, we've been saying for some time now that there are significant savings to TSA personnel costs by going in-line. You need fewer screeners; you have less workman's comp; you have more efficiency in terms of getting bags processed and passengers
AB: One suggestion being thrown out is a departure tax at individual airports as a way of funding local infrastructure needs. Is that a viable option?
Dickerson: I think FAA has to put everything on the table, and obviously have the dialog with the industry. Congress is ultimately the one that makes the decision. This is an industry that has over half of [the airlines] in bankruptcy. Their yields are horrible. You can't expect to solve the government's problem of the user fee concept on the backs of the airlines, certainly.
AB: Looking at the tenant side, an emerging trend is private equity firms buying up more and more interest in fixed base operations and other tenant facilities. Do you see any concerns related to this?
Dickerson: It hasn't been talked about here.
AB: Another hot topic among FBOs is the Environmental Protection Agency's recent requirement of secondary containment around refuelers that are parked overnight. How big of a concerns is this for airports?
Dickerson: Again, it's not something that has come up a lot here. The problem with environmental issues is, the top three issues of the industry continue to be security, security, and security. And it's been like that since 9/11; so, things like environmental issues and some FAA regulatory issues get put down the priority list, or don't have the light shining on them, because all of the focus of our members is on dealing with security. That doesn't mean those issues aren't important, or that they're not critical; it's just the spotlight continues to be on security."
Dickerson: Again, it's not something that has come up a lot here. The problem with environmental issues is, the top three issues of the industry continue to be security, security, and security. And it's been like that since 9/11; so, things like environmental issues and some FAA regulatory issues get put down the priority list, or don't have the light shining on them, because all of the focus of our members is on dealing with security. That doesn't mean those issues aren't important, or that they're not critical; it's just the spotlight continues to be on security."
1 comment:
Willie Card is my dad and I am very upset about this, would someone please email me at ericamhodges@yahoo.com and tell me what this is about?
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